這種餅乾起源於不列塔尼──法國西北岸的一個省份,她曾經是一個獨立的王國。布列塔尼因為維繫自己獨特的傳統,所以跟法國其實有很大的不同。這個美麗的半島不只是歷史的寶藏也是飲食的天堂。可麗餅就是來自此地,它曾是窮人用以替代麵包的食物。雖然有很多非嚐試不可的美食,但你一定不能錯過奶油和海鮮。我從一本書中找到關於不列塔尼奶油的描寫:〈這本書是1996年Kate Whiteman所寫的Brittany Gastronomique〉
Pies noires是一種迷人、黑白相間的乳牛,長著尖尖的角,非常頑皮;牠產的乳非常濃而牠的肉也很好吃。通常牠的產乳量只有Holstein牛種的一半。對遊客來說pie noire奶油是一大特色,曾經有個叫Fernand Point的廚師講了一句標語說:「奶油,更多的奶油,永遠都是奶油。」而布列塔尼的居民則熱情地支持這個論調。他們絕對有個好理由這樣熱愛奶油,因為那亮麗鮮黃的油與水晶般晶瑩的海鹽配在一起真是可口。布列塔尼的廚師總是使用加了鹽的奶油,即使焙製糕點也不例外,所以他們的糕餅非常獨特美味。
Here is one of my favorite fool proof recipes that my sister and I used to make and sell at my mother’s restaurant. I remember once when we received a large order from Taipei , Abby and I woke up especially early because we had carefully calculated the active, baking, and cooling time the night before. We were so delighted by this faraway customer, and though the money we made was hardly enough to cover our material and packaging costs, we diligently spent the entire morning sending in trays after trays of varnished dough balls.
This recipe originated in Brittany, a historical province located on France ’s northwest coast. Formerly an independent kingdom and duchy, Brittany continues to preserve her national heritage (patrimoine) that sets her apart from the rest of France. Not only is the beautiful peninsula a historical asset but presently, a gastronomical paradise as well. Crepes, for example, came from Brittany and were once poor man’s substitute for bread. Now, among the many must-haves in Brittany, two of the most important are seafood and butter. Below is a short excerpt from Kate Whiteman’s “Brittany Gastronomique” that describes the distinctive Breton butter:
“Pies noires are small, attractive black-and-white cows with pointed horns and a mischievous nature. Their milk is rich and their meat good…A pie noire will yield only half as much milk per year as a large Holstein (note: the typical dairy cow)… Butter such as that from pie noire milk, is one of the highlights of a visit to Brittany. ‘Du beurre, encore du beurre et toujours du beurre’ (butter, more butter, always butter) was the motto of the great gargantuan chef Fernand Point…Bretons adhere enthusiastically to his precepts, and with good reason; bright yellow and glistening with crystalline flakes of Guerande salt, Breton butter is indescribably delicious. Breton cooks invariably use salted butter, even for patisserie, giving their biscuits and cakes a unique and heavenly flavor.”
We did use salted butter, even though the recipe called for unsalted. If you choose to use salted butter, be sure to decrease the sugar because the salt will overemphasize the sweetness. Our Anchor Salted produced no special Breton effects, but sea salt might bring you a notch closer. For my second batch, I spread the dough thinly in an aluminum pan, and it turned out more shortbread than cookie; the recipe goes well either way.
低筋麵粉 275公克
細白糖 175公克
奶油 200公克