






To me, dessert is not only a matter of taste, but an epitome of beauty. There is something intoxicating about its delicate nature, yet comforting presence. It is only natural then, that a culture’s sense of beauty can be reflected in its traditional sweetmeats. For example, Thailand’s golden silk pillows are comparable to the country’s shimmering gold stupas and Malaysia’s iridescent kuehs mirror the culture’s affinity for bright colors. But the culture that impresses me most when it comes to stunning desserts is Japan.



Japan’s traditional desserts are generically known as wagashi, whereas Western-influenced desserts such as Castella are termed yogashi. The origin of wagashi dates back to the Yayoi Era, but it was during the Edo period when wagashi reached its full sophistication. Wagashi was, at first, exclusively enjoyed by the imperial court, but as the trade developed quickly in Kyoto and Edo, wagashi became available to commoners as well. Though renowned confectionaries such as Toraya boast to have the highest quality wagashi, I can testify that the ones found in department stores aren’t so bad either. Last summer when my family and I visited Fukouka, we came upon a little wagashi stall right in the center of a food court. Even in a crowded setting, the stall achieved true wagashi ambience. We were served wagashi on black lacquered plates accompanied by frothy cups of matcha, while sitting on traditional clothed benches under larger red paper umbrella. I was surprised and awed by their ability to promote tradition amidst such a chaotic urban setting.

Wagashi are usually quite small and made to resemble some element of beauty in nature. The Japanese took painstaking care in giving their wagashi the most beautiful names, usually drawing from nature and literature. They are also extremely concerned with the relationship between the wagashi served and the season. Color and cooking methods are among the criteria when determining which wagashi are appropriate.

Making wagashi is certainly not an easy task. Though the ingredients are simple and convenient to find (bean pastes, kanten, rice flour, fondant, food coloring), wagashi making requires nimble hands and an eye for detail. The wagashi featured this week is so simple that all you’ll need are saran wrap and roasted yams. This is a great way to cheat if you are ever short of time. I hope this recipe will also give readers without ovens a chance to participate. J






