Abby與Pony 2005年(大阪)




Dear Mr. Straub,







Dear Abby

Please accept our congratulations on your being awarded a Mellon Undergraduate Research Fellowship at the Penn Humanities Forum for 2007–2008. You are one of just 20 students who have been chosen from a wide variety of disciplines to undertake independent research in next year’s Forum on Origins. It is a pleasure to welcome you to what we trust will be a year of exciting intellectual exploration!

As part of the Penn Humanities Forum family, you are cordially invited to the distinguished lectures in our interdisciplinary series on Origins (preview attached) and to the Tuesday evening (5-6:30) Salon gatherings of faculty and graduate student Fellows of the Forum. However, your central activity will be to carry out your research project and to participate in the Undergraduate Humanities Forum, of which you are now a member. At regular meetings, you and your fellow researchers will have the opportunity to discuss your projects, organize the UHF spring conference, and arrange speakers and cultural visits for the group. Professor Catriona MacLeod of the German Department, director of the UHF, will be present at these meetings.

Once again, congratulations on your fellowship.  We look forward to receiving your formal acceptance and to greeting you early next fall.

Yours sincerely,
Wendy Steiner
Richard L. Fisher Professor of English
Director, Penn Humanities Forum

Catriona MacLeod
Associate Professor of German
Director, PHF Undergraduate Humanities Forum