ABBY 英文家教班招生說明 2005-06-08
﹝一) 托福 / SATI (英文與寫作部分)
許多人喜歡宣稱「潛能測驗」是無法準備的,但我的經驗使我有了另外一種看法。雖然托福和SAT I沒有明確的範圍,我們還是能夠透過加強自己整體的能力來征服這類考試。這意味著背更多的單字,學著用更精確的方法來閱讀與寫作。我所計劃的課程,就是要透過許多練習與詳細的解釋來幫助你磨練上述的幾種能力。
我所整理出來的方法是非常有效的。十二年級在自修之後,我把SAT I英文部分原本得到的720分提升到滿分800。在這之後,新加坡美國學校有五個學生請我在課餘時幫助他們提升SAT的成績。
因為SAT的分數很理想,大學免除了我考托福的必要。托福基本上是為外國學生用來彌補SAT成績不足所設計、相似卻較為簡單的考試。雖然我並沒有實際考過托福,但已準備,並徹底研究過這個考試的材料,所以我對於這個考試的輔導也很有自信。不過,如果你希望真正增進自己的實力,那麼我推薦你攻讀SAT I。
畢業典禮後Abby徹底地輕鬆了幾天,然後又跟我談起她的暑假計劃,同時也細心在研究著她的大學選課。當她跟我提台北Princeton Review要她去面談授課事宜時,我告訴她這是她去大學前最後一個暑假了,我但願能把她留在身邊久一點,因此她改變了初衷,計劃在台南教英文。
I will be leaving home to study at the University of Pennsylvania this coming September. As I intend to major in Linguistics, I hope to enhance my practical knowledge in this field through teaching during summer. After serious considerations and thorough planning, I would like to propose to all those interested, three types of classes that I feel well qualified to teach. Each session takes only two students and class frequency per week is opened to personal preference.
1)TOEFL / SAT I (Verbal and Writing sections)
Many like to claim that aptitude exams cannot be prepared for but my personal experiences have proven otherwise. Even though there are no well-defined boundaries clarifying what specific knowledge will be tested, it is still possible to tackle exams such as TOEFL and SAT I by fortifying one’s overall abilities. This means knowing more vocabularies as well as learning to both read and write more precisely. My course aims to help you in all of the skills named above with intense drills and detailed explanations.
We will be working through many problem sets in this class but more than that, I will take the time to explain each answer option and unfamiliar vocabulary – every question is a learning opportunity. Practice makes perfect, but only when you practice smart.
My methods are extremely effective. By studying on my own, I increased my verbal score on the SAT I from 720 to a perfect score of 800. Due to the success this year, I was subsequently hired by five Singapore American School students to help them improve in my spare time.
With the high score in my SAT I, I was also exempted entirely from TOEFL in the college application process. TOEFL is similar to SAT I, only much easier; it is essentially a compensatory exam created for foreign students. Even though I have not taken the actual exam, I have studied the material so I feel very confident about teaching this course for TOEFL as well. However, if you want to truly strengthen your abilities, I recommend studying for SAT I.
2)Literature Appreciation
The best way to learn English is to read, read and read. Nevertheless, it is not enough to just read in great quantities, you have to read good books as well. This class seeks to help you find the joy of reading in English, which will both nourish your soul and improve your language dramatically.
The books we read will depend on your level of proficiency that is assessed in the first class. From then on, chapters will be assigned as homework to serve as the basis of our in-depth discussions and analyses during class time. You will gain insights from our conversations, held entirely in English, and sharpen your speaking as well as listening skills in the process of participating. Writing assignments relating to out books may also be given if the need arises.
3)Advance Writing Seminar
Writing is an extremely important skill in life. It is an art that comes with rigorous practice and reflection. My course, which revolves around group discussion, is modeled and named after a wonderful writing class I took in school this year. It will help you with various types of writing, from essays to short stories, depending on personal preferences. The curriculum can be tailored to suit your needs; for example, some may choose to concentrate on just one sort.
To introduce each kind of writing, I will begin by explaining the most conventional structures, followed by showing existing examples drawn from books, periodicals or websites to point out the different variations. You will then be given assignments to work on at home. First drafts should be completed by the following class and presented during group discussions, in which you will comment on each other’s approaches to the topic and suggest ways for improvement.
We will also work on self-editing (developing this independence is vital since it is sometimes very easy and therefore tempting to rely completely on the tutor or other people. Learning to self-edit ensures that you can continue to improve by yourself even after you stop taking lessons. As long as you are dedicated and hardworking, you can elevate yourself), peer editing and finally, I will grade the final draft to give you an idea of what you do well and what you should still improve on. Through repeated editing, you will learn to avoid grammatical errors and improve your style. All instructions and discussions will be held in English to give you an opportunity to sharpen your speaking and listening skills as well.